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Search within Conflict

248 results found

Research paper

Children on the Gaza-Israel border: Victims of war

This commentary highlights the impact of armed conflict on children at the Gaza-Israel border.
Public Health Reviews

Alleviating chronic food insecurity in South Sudan arfr

This Key Considerations brief analyses the causes of food insecurity in South Sudan and the responses by government and non-government actors and partners, and offers considerations for these actors to support ending food insecurity, especially via bolstering agriculture and livelihoods.

Responding to floods in South Sudan through the humanitarian-peace-development nexus arfr

This infographic summarises the insights from a recent key considerations brief on responding to floods in South Sudan, describing the multidimensional impacts of flooding on peace, health, livelihoods and governance.

Responding to floods in South Sudan through the humanitarian-peace-development nexus

This Key Considerations brief looks at interconnected problems in the context of South Sudan through a focus on flooding, with wider relevance to other countries in the region, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, experiencing similar…

Conflict-sensitive returns and integration in South Sudan

This research aims to provide a stronger understanding of the risks and opportunities associated with ‘returns’ and ‘integration’ in South Sudan, as well as highlight opportunities for conflict-sensitive (re)integration and early solutions activities.
Research paper

Psychosocial concerns in a context of prolonged political oppression: Gaza mental health providers’ perceptions

This qualitative exploratory study investigated the perspectives of mental health providers in Gaza regarding the primary concerns of their clients who are exposed to low-intensity warfare and structural violence.
McGill University
Research paper

Coping with trauma and adversity among Palestinians in the Gaza Strip: A qualitative, culture-informed analysis

In this article, the authors propose that coping is not only an individual property but also a structural feature.
Journal of Health Psychology

‘Stop the war and let me return to my home, even if it is destroyed.’ Community priorities and perceptions of aid and support in Gaza (January 2024)

This report contains insights from a Ground Truth Solutions and Arab World for Research and Development study talking to people in Gaza to find out what the humanitarian situation looked like from their perspective.
Grand Truth Solutions

A Palestinian poet’s perilous journey out of Gaza ar

A 'letter from Gaza' from Mosab Abu Toha, who fled his home with his wife and three children, before the IDF soldiers took him into custody.
The New Yorker

In the face of genocide, the intifada must be globalised

Chloe Skinners writes that the ‘shaking off’ of colonial dynamics of racism, violence, dehumanisation and division must be globalised.
Institute of Development Studies

Contextualising Gaza: Colonial violence and occupation

Chloe Skinner, Philip Proudfoot and Ali Reda write that while 7 October events precipitated a declaration of war, it is paramount to remember that a constant state of war, displacement and oppression has shaped Palestinian reality for over seven decades.
Institute of Development Studies

Tectonic shifts: A conversation with Darryl Li

A conversation about the unfolding crisis in Gaza and some of its wider implications for the Palestinian struggle and the solidarity movement..
The Baffler

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