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Search within Central and East Africa, Environment and climate,

42 results found


Food assistance prioritisation in refugee settlements in Uganda and its impacts sw

This brief considers the humanitarian and policy implications of the general food and cash assistance prioritisation strategy in Uganda’s refugee settlements.

From data to action: How findings from an interagency rapid qualitative assessment are stimulating action to support drought-affected communities in Zambia

This brief shares findings and learnings from a rapid qualitative assessment to inform community engagement strategies and hold response actors accountable to affected populations.

Responding to floods in South Sudan through the humanitarian-peace-development nexus arfr

This infographic summarises the insights from a recent key considerations brief on responding to floods in South Sudan, describing the multidimensional impacts of flooding on peace, health, livelihoods and governance.

Responding to floods in South Sudan through the humanitarian-peace-development nexus

This Key Considerations brief looks at interconnected problems in the context of South Sudan through a focus on flooding, with wider relevance to other countries in the region, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, experiencing similar…

Information Preparedness and Community Engagement for El Niño in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region frptes

El Niño can be viewed as a multi-hazard event, and considerations for information needs cut across different populations and risks, including direct weather-related hazards, reduced agricultural production, greater food insecurity and malnutrition, increased transmission of infectious diseases and effects on…

Flood Assessment in South Sudan November 2022

Like many countries around the globe, South Sudan is facing unprecedented impacts of climate change. Since 2017, it has experienced heavy downpours which have resulted in rampant floods. For instance, between July and October 2021 alone, 856,000 people were affected…
Research paper

From crisis to context: Reviewing the future of sustainable charcoal in Africa

Is charcoal a sustainable energy source in Africa? This is a crucial question, given charcoal’s key importance to urban energy. In today’s dominant policy narrative – the charcoal-crisis narrative – charcoal is deemed incompatible with sustainable and modern energy, blamed…
Science Direct
Research paper

Perceptions and Attitudes towards Climate Change in Fishing Communities of the Sudd Wetlands, South Sudan

This study investigated local ecological knowledge concerning climate change in the Sudd Wetlands of South Sudan. Using semi-structured questionnaires, the authors found that South Sudanese fisherfolk perceived that they had been negatively affected by climate change over the past decade.…

Borders areas should be used, not feared, in pandemic responses

This report moves beyond abstract assumptions and global-level debates to understand the reality of the struggles and strategies of local and national organisations during complex emergencies. We focus on the histories, politicoeconomic dynamics and everyday realities of South Sudanese NGOs…
Research paper

Friendship, kinship and social risk management strategies among pastoralists in Karamoja, Uganda

This paper describes risk-pooling friendships and other social networks among pastoralists in Karamoja, Uganda. Social networks are of critical importance for risk management in an environment marked by volatility and uncertainty. Risk management or risk pooling mainly takes the form of…
Springer Nature
Book chapter

From violent conflict to slow violence: climate change and post-conflict recovery in Karamoja, Uganda

In literature examining climate change as a potential factor in violent conflict, violence is generally conceived as a readily-apparent, time-bound event. Conversely, the ontologies of slow violence emphasize the insidious ways in which environmental change can, itself, impart violence. This…
Edward Elgar Publishing
Research paper

Perceptions and Vulnerability to Climate Change among the Urban Poor in Kampala City, Uganda

Climate risks and vulnerability continue to disproportionately affect the urban poor given their constrained adaptive capacity. This paper examines the urban poor’s perceptions and vulnerability to climate change in Kampala through structured interviews and focus groups with randomly selected households…

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